I got my second poke yesterday.

Chuck Nyren
1 min readMar 27, 2021


Fully vaccinated! And I don’t even feel Bill Gates’ microchip floating around in my body. It’s like it’s not even there! (For some odd reason I have this insatiable desire to open up an Excel spreadsheet — but other than that…)

And another desire is overwhelming me. Surely, it’s coincidental — but I have this hankerin’ to round up Hillary & Joe and together we’ll carouse around and eat some babies!

And … while I’m much too old (although I could probably [barely] still do it) I could get somebody pregnant and have a kid who’ll be born with no eyeballs and five arms!

Yeah, I’m feeling poorly at the moment, but it’ll all be worth it once I morph into a shape-shifting alien lizard.

This vaccine is a new lease on life!



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